Throw Back Tuesday! {Loren & Rachel}
Of course I can’t complain that we have a new blog. I mean, it’s always fun to mix things up a bit. But the one thing I miss about the old blog are some of the old posts! So, in lieu of repopulating the new blog with old content I figured I would pay tribute to some oldies but goodies by instating Throw Back Tuesdays. These posts will include one or two photos from sessions past. Not only is this a celebration of progress, but a way to celebrate the stories we once told all over again. Sort of like second editions. They may not have the tightly bound shiny hard covers of the first editon but equally as loved and admired for their good read. You get the drift!
So for our first ever Throw Back Tuesday here is an ode to Loren & Rachel. This was one of those images that just lingers in your mind. Quite honestly I was testing out the lighting and flash when this moment just happened. Those are always the best aren’t they? I hardly think we should take any credit. I just happen to have the camera up and pointing at the right time. There is something about this photo I just LOVE. The looks on their faces are so…. curious. I think that this will stay a Memory Maker Favorite.