Time Flies // Personal Post {Los Angeles Husband and Wife Wedding Photography}

It may be a little late to be saying this but seeing that we are only into the second month of 2012 the year is still pretty new, so.. HAPPY NEW YEAR! I am blown away at how quickly 2012 came upon us! I mean seriously I thought 2011 was fast moving but 2012 has already proven to be a sprinter right out of the gate. Don’t get me wrong, I am loving it, I just can’t help but feel I am starting to neglect some of the things I love the most. This blog being one of them!
This blog has not only been our little corner of the photographic world but a place where we have aimed to put our selves “out there” in order for you get to know us better. I feel so excited when I log on to our analytics and see that people from all over the world are coming to check in on us and the stories we are sharing. What I love most is hearing from some of you about how even the stories of our couples have touched your life in some way. That is what it is all about after all. Not only bringing attention to us and our work but sharing stories, and celebrating the uniqueness of each one. It’s humbling really, to know you are out there, reading these very words. Thanks to all of you who come back from time to time to check in and see what we’ve been up to, I can’t tell you just how motivating it is for us to keep doing what we are doing. If you don’t hear from time to time you should know we aren’t ignoring you, quite the contrary… you are always on our minds. It’s more likely that we have been up to a lot:) We may not feature everything we shoot but we try our darndest to do so. We have so much we are still wrapping up from 2011 and we can’t wait to share it all with you. Until next time…