happy memorial day

000028180010memorial day is a special time for all americans.  a time to express our gratitude for the service and bravery of those in the military that dedicate their talents, hard work, and lives for the sake of our country.  we are extremely grateful to all the men and woman who take on our burdens daily and actively pursue the preservation of freedom for our sake.

for our family specifically, we are blessed with veterans from all generations and are so grateful for the commitment they have shown throughout the years.  for myself (danielle) memorial day holds such value even beyond the typical salute to the men and women who serve this country.  on memorial day 36 years ago, my beloved was born in brindisi, italy while his parents were on active duty.  kevin was brought into this world by two dedicated patriots who have instilled in him a love of God, family, and country.  i am so grateful their service lead them to one another, and that kevin’s journey lead him to me.

thank you to all the men and woman who so bravely serve our country.  thank you to robert and sharon for your dedication to our country, raising a wonderful son, and your love and support of kevin and myself.  we love you dearly.